Thursday 27 February 2014

Feb 26, 2014

- Sat up with a puking #4 until 2am
- Didn't quite sleep for the rest of the night, between accidentally getting toddler hair up my nose, having tiny fists flung into my eye, dealing with more vomit, and all the other joys that come of sharing a bed with a sick child
- Master's alarm went off
- My alarm went off
- Got kids up, ready, and out the door without any drama, which naturally made me suspicious
- Essentially spent the entire day being sat on by a sick child or cleaning up after a sick child
- Picked the kids up from school
- Did some laundry
- Dealt with #3 child melting down in a familiar I'm-going-to-be-sick-too-before-the-week-is-out sort of way
- Tried to tidy the house
- Unloaded, loaded, and ran the dishwasher
- Made dinner
- Went to bed with the still-sick #4

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Feb 25, 2014

- Woken up by Master's alarm
- Rolled over for morning snuggles, which I'm often not awake enough to remember to do
- Woken up by my alarm
- Dragged ass out of bed, woke up kids 1-3
- Made various breakfasts, encouraged other children to make their own dang breakfasts
- Argued with #1 child about an impressive array of shit nobody but an adolescent could turn into a fight
- Got kids 1-3 out the door
- Sitter showed up
- Got ready for my training session thingummy
- Left a screaming #4 child
- Received some very interesting training on anti-poverty initiatives, and some completely useless social media training
- Rescued the sitter from #4
- Returned a few calls
- Picked up #2-3 from school, was reminded #1 had basketball practice
- Sat around and internetted for a bit
- Told #1 she could go to a teammate's for dinner
- Started dinner
- Discovered lice on various children, started stripping beds and treating heads
- Handed off dinner and lice-heads to Master when he walked in the door
- Went to clean up from a school fundraiser
- Came home, made our bed, set the alarm, laid out Master's clothes, said goodnight to children
- Talked to #1 for a bit about the day
- Did a load of laundry
- Internetted
- Had a bath
- #4 child woke up puking
- Am currently sitting up with the vomitous child, will be doing so until god knows when

Monday 24 February 2014

Feb 24, 2014

- Hey, I woke up in the bed! Score!
- Woken up by Master's alarm
- Woken up by #3 child, who I cleverly tricked into snuggling with me in the bed
- Woken up several times by my alarm, which I smashed into submission
- Finally hauled myself and #3 out of bed, went downstairs and woke up the others
- Did the whole, ass-aggravating morning routine, complete with threats that we're all going to start waking up at 6am if we can't get ready on time
- Walked kids to school
- Volunteered for a bit while #4 ran riot
- Froze on the walk home, made hot cocoa and popcorn and put on a movie for #4
- Did some laundry
- House hunted, because reasons
- Went to get #4 ready to go back to the school, discovered him asleep in his chair and mostly undressed
- Walked back to the school
- Did second volunteer shift
- Picked up kids, went back to finish job I was doing
- Didn't get out of school until 4:45pm
- Walked #1 over to a friend's house, took all the kids in to ooh and ahh over the various pets
- Walked home
- #3 fell and sliced her face open on some ice
- Performed some first aid
- Master came home, told him he needed to take #3 for stitches
- Made dinner
- Fed #2 and #4
- Kinda bummed around for a while, mildly fretting about my kid at getting her face sewn up
- Eventually shuffled kids off to bed
- Master and #3 came home
- #3 excitedly explained to me about the sticker and popsicle she received from urgent care, as well as the Happy Meal Master bought her
- Swept floors
- Fetched Master's coffee and put on a fresh pot
- Put #3 to bed
- Wiped up some spilled coffee
- Sat down to internet
- Will go to bed shortly, but first make the bed, lay out Master's clothes for tomorrow, and set the alarm

Sunday 23 February 2014

Feb 23, 2014

- Woke up on the couch (again), felt sadness that Master hadn't come home from his night out
- Realized Master probably was in fact home and just hadn't been able to wake me up, went up to bed
- Woken up by Master
- Woken up by Master again, this time with the cunning goad that it was the 3rd period of the men's gold medal hockey game
- Came downstairs, watched hockey
- Yelled happy yells
- Had caffeine, internetted for a bit
- Made Master more coffee
- Wandered around doing not much of anything for a bit
- Had a bath
- Got dressed
- Sort of hustled kids along in the last minutes of the getting ready to go out process
- Visited Master's grandfather
- Took the kids ice skating with a friend and her child
- Had our friends come back to the house for dinner
- Made dinner
- Sat around yakking
- Threw kids in the tub
- Put away some laundry
- Had a tedious and surprisingly angsty conversation with #1 child about money management
- Sent out a couple emails
- Will be told shortly to go wait for Master in bed, where he intends to do sex things to me
- Will also make the bed, set the alarm and lay out Master's clothes for tomorrow

Saturday 22 February 2014

Feb 20, 21 and 22, 2014

Feb 20
- Woken by Master's alarm
- Woken by my alarm
- #1 and #2 children felt sick, called them into school
- Prepped #3 child to see the dentist
- Friend came over to babysit, took #3 to the dentist
- Fretted and starved while they took #3 in to bed sedated and have dental work done
- Sat around the waiting room, read a bunch
- Was taken back to recovery, where #3 proceeded to scream and punch me
- Continued to be the target of screaming and punching for another 3 hours or so
- Made dinner
- Served dinner
- Put laundry away while Master put kids to bed
- Laid out Master's clothes for the next day, made the bed, set the alarm
- Sat around for a while on the tubes
- Went to bed

Feb 21
- Woken by Master's alarm
- Woken by my alarm and #1 kid simultaneously bellowing that my alarm was going off
- Made breakfast for kids #2-4
- Got #1 kid out the door for the breakfast the school does for honours students
- Fractured a toe
- Got other kids ready, took them to school
- Fell walking home, ruined knee on leg opposite to broken toe
- Spent several hours sitting very still in a chair, letting #4 watch entirely too much television
- Did some social media work
- Hobbled back over to the school to volunteer
- Pawned #2 and #3 off on a friend for a playdate
- Napped a bit on the couch while #4 napped in the stroller
- Encouraged #1 to make herself a sandwich before going off to a sleepover, because standing long enough to cook seemed impossible
- Master came home
- Realized I hadn't eaten yet that day
- Barely did even my usually incompetent amount of putting kids to bed
- Cried about cheeseburgers
- Was purchased a cheeseburger
- Eventually fell asleep on the couch

Feb 22
- Woken up on the couch by Master
- Confusedly dealt with Master finding my cell phone submerged in half a mug of coffee (I blame punk kids), made him coffee, went up to the bed
- Woken up by Master
- Woken up by Master again
- Eventually shuffled downstairs, picked up the cup of tea he had made me, slowly internetted my way to being a functional human
- Confessed that I didn't think our day's plans were going to pan out, to which the Captain expressed some relief
- Got ready to go to my parents' house
- Spent an afternoon eating fantastic cheese, drinking decent wine, and doing a puzzle with my mom
- Came home, Master went out
- Put kids #2-4 to bed
- Watched Mean Girls with #1 kid

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Feb 17, 18, and 19, 2014

Feb 17
- Public holiday. Had plans to take the kids ice skating, fucked them up. Master made snow forts with the kids in the backyard while I made dinner. Did very little in the way of housework (by which I mean, "none"). Continued feeling shitty and hormonal and psychotic. Essentially did nothing recognizably slavey, and in fact, the International Slave Judging Association sent a representative to strip me of my title.
- Started counting calories, not because SuperMasterlyMasterManPants ordered me to or anything fappish like that (although being ordered to watch what I eat usually just fills me with unreasonable and unreasoning rage), but because I'm sick of my weight.

Feb 18
- Kids out the door to school. Went to the training session thingummy I do every Tuesday. "Enjoyed" a lunch that consisted primarily of salad. Quite honestly, most of the day is lost to my memory already, which is how you know it was a highly productive day. Speaking of productive days...

Feb 19
- Awoken at 3am by fire trucks whipping past the house, sirens and horns blaring. Consider this marginal improvement over being woken by a child.
- Woken by Master's alarm
- Woken by my alarm
- Performed the usual rite of dragging kids out of bed and getting them ready for school
- Walked to the school with them
- Walked with #4 child through endless kilometers of uncleared sidewalks
- Enjoyed an Americano at a cafe with a friend
- All the trillion more kilometers full of snow back home
- Made lunch for me and #4
- Worked on a social media contract I just picked up
- Went to the school to volunteer
- Brought the kids home
- Made an early dinner
- Cancelled an evening appointment
- Went grocery shopping
- Came home, made the kids a snack
- Sorted laundry while Master put this kids to bed, made the bed and laid out Master's clothing
- Started a load of laundry
- Did more social media work
- Tried to overlook how hungry and cranky being hungry makes me
- Did some light blogging
- Fucking ate
- Switched laundy over
- Went to bed

Sunday 16 February 2014

Feb 16, 2014

- Middle. of. the. night. child. AGAIN.
- Child wakes up for the day, Master gets up
- Eventually get woken up
- Make a resentful attempt to meal plan and create the grocery list, find I cannot concentrate
- Sort kids #2 and #3 out and get them out the door to visit some festival with one of their friends
- Snap at Master during what ought to have been a perfectly reasonable conversation
- Go upstairs to get dressed
- Accuse Master of snapping at me first
- Discover my period has started
- Apologize to Master for being a rancid, hormonal thundercunt
- Go grocery shopping with #4 kid and Master
- Ragequit the shoe department in Target when nothing fits properly
- Quad Americano makes life slightly more tolerable
- Buy all the meats! All the foods! Hormones react favourably to squeeze bottles of spicy mint chutney!
- Come home, decide making dinner is bullshit since everyone's been snacking all day
- Put groceries away, mentally plan out dinner for the next few days
- Welcome children home
- Find myself on the receiving end of some intense batshittery from other volunteers at the school (thanks, Facebook!)
- Kinda help put kids to bed, but not really
- Make myself a depressingly weak gin and tonic, because I'm almost out of gin
- Grab a bag of potato chips
- Internet
- Try to watch Breaking Bad, find I'm having trouble concentrating
- Eventually go to bed, either to be used or to perform what Master predicts will be a "sulky handjob"

Feb 15, 2014

- Middle of the night wake up call from #3 child
- #3 gets up for the day, Master gets up with her
- Eventually get woken up by Master for the day, beg him for 5 more minutes
- Eventually get woken up again, god knows how much later
- Putter around
- Switch over the laundry
- Deal with kids
- Have a bath
- Set hair
- Putter around some more
- Start to get ready for work dinner
- Finish getting ready for work dinner
- Go to work dinner, eat an unreasonably delicious burger
- Master picks me up, come home
- Sorta help put kids to bed
- Sit my ass down with the computer while Master hangs out with one of his friends
- Eventually, after a great number of hours, fall asleep sitting up in my chair
- Go to bed, get used

Saturday 15 February 2014

Feb 14, 2014

- No kids in the middle of the night! It's a St. Valetine's miracle!
- Woken by Master's alarm, reminded him his clothes were in the dryer as per the previous night's conversation
- Woken by #3 child
- Wake all children up, make breakfasts, hustle through morning routine
- Make last minute Valentine's Day cards for a couple of forgotten teachers and EAs
- Sign report cards, force children to fill out their comment sections
- Shuffle kids out the door
- Make breakfast for me and #4 child
- Internet and tea. Inteanet?
- Switch over laundry
- Load and run dishwasher
- Wipe kitchen counters
- Make lunch
- Heave a heavy sigh, get me and #4 ready to go volunteer at the school
- Volunteer
- Pick kids up
- Run to pharmacy for medical supplies
- Come home, receive play date guests
- Get #1 to pack for her weekend away
- Send #1 out the door
- Say goodbye to play date guests
- Inteanet
- Unload and start reloading dishwasher
- Explain to Master that I didn't cook dinner, since play date guests essentially brought a whole meal as a snack, offer to make him something if he wants
- Fuck around
- Have frustrating and emotionally draining conversation with my mother
- Help (ha) put kids to bed
- Sit my exhausted ass down
- Go to bed, get sexed up

Thursday 13 February 2014

Feb 13, 2014

Addendum to yesterday's entry: Had sex after going to bed

- #3 child, middle of the night, yet again
- Master's alarm
- My alarm
- Brought some of the kids downstairs (#2 and #3, if memory serves) and flopped on the couch while they goofed around
- Made breakfast for kids, got them dressed and out the door with a minimum of bullshit
- Made breakfast for me and #4
- Tidied the main floor
- Made dinner, because I had to work late and I didn't want the sitter to have to make the kids food
- Cleaned the kitchen
- Washed dishes
- The Captain came home early, served him coffee
- Got ready for work
- Worked
- Came home, tidied up the fallout of the kids making their own valentines this year
- Made the kids' bedtime snack
- Moped about the upstairs, not really helping the Captain put the kids to bed
- Started a load of laundry
- Went to the kitchen with the full intention of making treats for the various class Valentine's Day parties tomorrow, discovered myself to be utterly out of the necessary ingredients
- Sat down in a chair and internetted for a while
- Switched over the laundry
- Made the bed
- Went to bed

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Feb 12, 2014

- Awoken by #3 climbing into bed with me
- Awoken by alarm
- Woke kids up, begged Master to go pick up donuts and coffee, which he did (wheee!)
- Fed kids, if you can call that "feeding"
- Dressed self, #2 and #3, nagged them into packing backpacks and putting on snow gear, walked them to school
- Switched over laundry, folded laundry, sorted endless pairs of socks
- Made #4 his lunch
- Dealt with a medical emergency
- Went to work, which featured all sorts of idiot fuckery
- Was picked up by Master, who took me to a meeting at the school
- Sat through an exploding clusterfuck of other people's dysfunction
- Helped put the kids to bed, sort of
- Hit the gin
- Ranted on the phone for an hour to a friend that was at the same meeting
- Ate potato chips and internetted
- Laid out Master's clothes for tomorrow
- Went to bed

Feb 11, 2014

- Was woken up at 2:55am by #3 wanting to come sleep in my bed
- Was woken up by Master's alarm
- Was woken up by my alarm
- Brought #3 downstairs, told her she could watch a show while I laid on the couch, covered my head with a baby blanket
- Made breakfast for children

- Harangued kids into getting dressed, brushing teeth, and otherwise getting ready for school, saw them out the door
- Made #4 breakfast, faffed about checking the weather and other online pleasantries
- Got ready to leave the house, got #4 ready for the sitter, briefed the sitter on what #4 was to eat
- Sat through a 4 hour inclusivity training session
- Rescued the sitter, sorted out a problem with the training people about my child care reimbursement
- Picked the other kids up from school, arranged a playdate for #2 and #3, saw them out the door
- Made coffee, made dinner, ate with family
- slumped in chair while kids cleaned, refereed their drama
- Put laundry away as Master put kids to bed
- cleaned out the cat box harf
- Made the bed, laid out the Master's clothes
- Currently in bed, researching for a speech I have to write and about to go to sleep without cracking the awesome textbook on American popular vulture on the 1950s that showed up on the mail today

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Feb 10, 2014

- Was woken up by Master's alarm
- Was woken up by my alarm
- Made kids #1-3 breakfast
- Got the kids off to school
- Argued with the phone company about their decision to cancel a service call
- Made breakfast for kid #4
- Sat quietly in a chair and internetted while he ate his breakfast and I drank tea
- Washed, folded, and put away 4 loads of laundry
- Washed dishes
- Unloaded the dishwasher
- Put in a few hours sorting out the dressing room
- Gave the kid #4 a bath
- Picked the other kids up from school
- Made them hot cocoa
- Made the biggest one do her laundry
- Made dinner
- Had a knock down drag out with the oldest child, started by (of all things) a discussion about sales tax
- Ate dinner
- Talked to kid #1
- Talked to kid #1 some more while Master put kids #2-4 to bed
- Loaded the dishwasher and ran it
- Sat my ass down in a chair and internetted until it was time for bed
- Made the bed, laid out Master's clothes for the next morning
- Fell asleep