Monday 24 February 2014

Feb 24, 2014

- Hey, I woke up in the bed! Score!
- Woken up by Master's alarm
- Woken up by #3 child, who I cleverly tricked into snuggling with me in the bed
- Woken up several times by my alarm, which I smashed into submission
- Finally hauled myself and #3 out of bed, went downstairs and woke up the others
- Did the whole, ass-aggravating morning routine, complete with threats that we're all going to start waking up at 6am if we can't get ready on time
- Walked kids to school
- Volunteered for a bit while #4 ran riot
- Froze on the walk home, made hot cocoa and popcorn and put on a movie for #4
- Did some laundry
- House hunted, because reasons
- Went to get #4 ready to go back to the school, discovered him asleep in his chair and mostly undressed
- Walked back to the school
- Did second volunteer shift
- Picked up kids, went back to finish job I was doing
- Didn't get out of school until 4:45pm
- Walked #1 over to a friend's house, took all the kids in to ooh and ahh over the various pets
- Walked home
- #3 fell and sliced her face open on some ice
- Performed some first aid
- Master came home, told him he needed to take #3 for stitches
- Made dinner
- Fed #2 and #4
- Kinda bummed around for a while, mildly fretting about my kid at getting her face sewn up
- Eventually shuffled kids off to bed
- Master and #3 came home
- #3 excitedly explained to me about the sticker and popsicle she received from urgent care, as well as the Happy Meal Master bought her
- Swept floors
- Fetched Master's coffee and put on a fresh pot
- Put #3 to bed
- Wiped up some spilled coffee
- Sat down to internet
- Will go to bed shortly, but first make the bed, lay out Master's clothes for tomorrow, and set the alarm

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